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Teeth Whitening Lakeland, FL
There are numerous cosmetic dental procedures that more and more people are beginning to have performed regularly. People today are more aware of how making the right impression has a lot to do with your smile. For this reason, there are a number of treatments and techniques that can give you a bright and captivating smile. One such example is teeth whitening. Our dental healthcare providers here at Thomas Plunkett, DMD are frequently tasked with performing these types of procedures.
These Procedures Are on the Rise
Over two billion dollars per year is spent on tooth whitening treatments in this country. These include both professional treatments in-office, as well as what is spent on home methods. With so much demand for this service, it has driven the providers to create new, innovative and more effective whitening methods.
Bleaching and No Bleach Options
The two main types of cosmetic tooth treatments are gels and liquids which contain hydrogen peroxide and those that do not. When the solution has the peroxide in it, the procedure is called teeth bleaching. Although the terms bleaching and whitening are often used interchangeably, they are, in fact, different. Regular whiteners which do not contain bleach, but simply lift stains and remove various debris are classified differently than those with peroxide.
The Trouble With at Home Treatments
It is worth noting here that the teeth bleaching solutions that you buy over the counter contain around seven percent hydrogen peroxide, while a dental professionals’ treatments may have as much as thirty-five to forty-five percent. This is just one of the many problems that can and often do accompany in-house whitening options.
Not only could you waste money on products which do not do as advertised but you could also end up doing damage if you fail to understand or properly follow the instructions. Many whitening solutions are made up of very serious chemical compounds that can cause damage if not properly applied and monitored. Additionally, any treatment that you would get in our clinic would be of a much higher quality.
What the Whitening Process Consists of
A teeth whitening procedure can vary greatly based on a number of factors. There are also a number of steps covering preparation and application. It will begin with your current shade being established so the progress can be easily tracked. After that, plaque will be removed, if necessary, and the teeth will be kept dry. A barrier will keep the gumline protected from the solution in case any comes out of place.
From there, there are multiple different methods that you can choose from. Some involve light and laser treatments to activate the bleaching agent inside the formula. It will usually require a few to several visits to achieve your desired results. Also, it needs to be mentioned that avoiding foods and beverages with high pigmentation levels is highly recommended. This includes such examples as coffee, red wine, berries, tomato juice or sauce, and of course staying away from smoking or chewing tobacco.
To find out which whitening program might be right for you, or to simply learn more information about them, give our helpful staff here at Thomas Plunkett, DMD a call today. We can be reached by reaching out to us at 863-372-1010.
Teeth Whitening | Thomas Plunkett, DMD | Lakeland, FL Making the right impression has a lot to do with your smile. Call us here at Thomas Plunkett, DMD today to find out which teeth whitening program is perfect for you! Thomas Plunkett, DMD, 2137 E County Rd 540A, Lakeland, FL 33813 ^ 863-372-1010 ^ plunkettdental.com ^ 2/5/2025 ^ Related Terms: dentist Lakeland ^